video games : Akhir-akhir ini telah berkembang pesat teknologi cloud computing atau yang biasa disebut dengan komputasi awan dalam kegiatan bisnis massa video games . perlahan lahanpula mulai banyak situs yang menawarkan sistim komputasi awan ini untuk khalayak umum, contohnya adalah Google Doc Komputasi awan sendiri pada dasarnya adalah konsep penggunaan program komputer tanpa harus menginstalasi program atau menyimpan data pada komputer dimana program digunakan. Program yang ada ataupun tempat penyimpanan data dilakukan secara online melalui internet atau intranet.
game boy
its dedicated for all game boy fans around the world
Senin, 08 Agustus 2011
Minggu, 31 Juli 2011
Sejarah video games
video game : Permainan komputer atau biasa disebut video game merupakan suatu permainan yang divisualisasikan melalui suatu media tampilan yang memerlukan interaksi dari pemainnya dengan menggunakan alat tertentu.
Kamis, 28 Juli 2011
jabon putih lebih menguntungkan
jabon merah :Akhir akhir ini kami banyak mendapat pertanyaan,lebih menguntungkan mana antara menanam jabon merah ( samama ) dan jabon putih ( antocephalus cadamba ). Karena banyak masyarakat yang masih bingung terhadap keberadaan tanaman tersebut. Akhirnya kami akan menjawab berdasarkan fakta lapangan antara jabon merah dan jabon putih, tentunya pertanyaan yang akan dijawab adalah menguntungkan apabila dilihat dari sisi ekonomi.
Di pasaran saat ini kayu jabon merah terpaut sekitar 100-200 ribu dari jabon putih,andaikata dihitung dari per kubik dibikin rata rata 800 ribu,untuk jabon putih sedangkan jabon merah harganya sekitar 900 ribu per kubik. Akan tetapi pertumbuhan jabon merah sekitar separuh dari kecepatan pertumbuhan jabon putih sehingga mari kita hitung keuntungan dari kedua tanaman tersebut,tentunya penghitungan ini mengabaikan nilai INFLASI ( kenaikan harga secara umum ) dan penanaman dilahan yang sama,perawatan yang sama ,serta mengabaikan faktor hama dan penyakit maupun Force majeur.
ya mari kita tanam jabon
Di pasaran saat ini kayu jabon merah terpaut sekitar 100-200 ribu dari jabon putih,andaikata dihitung dari per kubik dibikin rata rata 800 ribu,untuk jabon putih sedangkan jabon merah harganya sekitar 900 ribu per kubik. Akan tetapi pertumbuhan jabon merah sekitar separuh dari kecepatan pertumbuhan jabon putih sehingga mari kita hitung keuntungan dari kedua tanaman tersebut,tentunya penghitungan ini mengabaikan nilai INFLASI ( kenaikan harga secara umum ) dan penanaman dilahan yang sama,perawatan yang sama ,serta mengabaikan faktor hama dan penyakit maupun Force majeur.
ya mari kita tanam jabon
Rabu, 20 Juli 2011
sengon dan jabon sangat berprospek
sengon : artikel ini akan membahas tentang tanaman sengon. seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa tanaman sengon sangat bagus ditanam sebagai konservasi dan bermanfaat bagi lingkungan, akan tetapi tanaman sengon ini sekarang banyak terkena penyakit karat tumor. oleh karena itulah sekarang tanaman sengon diganti dengan jabon dimana jabon sangat bagus kayunya dan cepat pertumbuhannya. serta tahan penyakit karat tumor yang menyerang sengon
salah satu pembibit yang saya ketahui membibitkan tanaman sengon dan jabon ini adalah
karena meraka sangat profesional.bibit yang mereka produksi juga luar biasa ,makanya kita akan sangat puas berbisnis dengan mereka. bibit jabon dan sengon yang mereka produksi telah menyebar ke seluruh indonesia itulah yang membuat mereka juga sudah sering panen kayu jabon dan sengon serta mampu memproduksi kayu lapis yang sangat berkualitas. makanya sahabat denagn berbisanis dengan mereka anda akan sangat puas.cepat hubungi segera mereka di untuk mendapat bibit unggul jabon dan sengon.
salah satu pembibit yang saya ketahui membibitkan tanaman sengon dan jabon ini adalah
karena meraka sangat profesional.bibit yang mereka produksi juga luar biasa ,makanya kita akan sangat puas berbisnis dengan mereka. bibit jabon dan sengon yang mereka produksi telah menyebar ke seluruh indonesia itulah yang membuat mereka juga sudah sering panen kayu jabon dan sengon serta mampu memproduksi kayu lapis yang sangat berkualitas. makanya sahabat denagn berbisanis dengan mereka anda akan sangat puas.cepat hubungi segera mereka di untuk mendapat bibit unggul jabon dan sengon.
Kamis, 16 Juni 2011
Goats are ruminants, medium size. Livestock goats (Pula hircus aegagrus) is the wild goat found in South-West Asia a natural (region "fertile crescent " and Turkey) and the European spread of subspecies. Males and females have a pair of wild goat horn, but the goat horn more. In general, goats beard, protruding forehead, tail slightly up, the most direct and rough hair. Wild goat's body length, not including the tail, is 1.3 m - 1.4 m, and 12-inch tail - 15 inches. Women's Weightlifting 50 kg - 55 kg, while males can reach 120 kg. Wild goat from Spain spread eastward to India, from India to Mongolia and northern Siberia. Its preferred habitat is the Rocky Mountain region.
Goats have been training about 8000-9000 years ago, people. In the wild, goats live in groups of 5 to 20 fish. In search of food pengembaraannnya, goats Group consists of the oldest female goats, sheep and goat herds for security role. Actively looking for meal time, day or night. Its main food is grass and leaves.
Goats have been training about 8000-9000 years ago, people. In the wild, goats live in groups of 5 to 20 fish. In search of food pengembaraannnya, goats Group consists of the oldest female goats, sheep and goat herds for security role. Actively looking for meal time, day or night. Its main food is grass and leaves.
Selasa, 14 Juni 2011
Indonesian organic chicken
Kampong chicken is free-range chicken or poultry the most widely held in rural areas. The chicken is free-range producer of eggs and meat as well as family income, fulfilling a strategic function of food and subsistence farming communities.
To keep free-range chicken is not too difficult really, because it does not require complex technology. For chicken mengembangbiakan One area requires diligence and sincerity in maintaining that the implementation of the Post farm business that feeding disease control and management as well as processing / breeding. Free-range chicken is a high chance, very easy to put on the market with a high enough price. Therefore, the chicken should be managed with the principles of good husbandry and provide benefits to livestock farmers are very satisfactory.
To keep free-range chicken is not too difficult really, because it does not require complex technology. For chicken mengembangbiakan One area requires diligence and sincerity in maintaining that the implementation of the Post farm business that feeding disease control and management as well as processing / breeding. Free-range chicken is a high chance, very easy to put on the market with a high enough price. Therefore, the chicken should be managed with the principles of good husbandry and provide benefits to livestock farmers are very satisfactory.
Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011
Potential of palm sugar five districts in Central Java developed
JAKARTA State Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs from 2010 raised the potential of palm sugar commodity in five districts of Central Java, namely Banjarnegara, Purbalingga, Banyumas, Cilacap, and Kebumen (Barlingmascakeb).
I Wayan Dipta, MSME Resource Assessment Deputy State Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, explaining the potential of palm sugar or also known as brown sugar or sugar ants in the area Barlingmascakeb very large, but have not worked seriously.
"There have been many centers palm sugar products stand in five districts. To increase the capacity of their products, we will do the facilitation and technical assistance," said Wayan Dipta, yesterday.
The assistance includes improving the ability of farmers to produce exactly aren order through the application of technology. So far, said Wayan, the attention of all parties still less to raise the potential of palm sugar in the region.
Therefore, the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs trying to develop the potential of this commodity. The methodology by way of technical assistance and capacity building of human resources capacity-nya.Dalam it; society producers are no longer positioned as objects but as subjects.
With this system the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs optimistic palm sugar will be known widely as a sweetener other than cane sugar.
Export prospective
Potential of palm sugar to export markets even a very open, because the developed countries in Asia such as Japan, are more likely to consume sugar palm.
Currently, suppliers of palm sugar, to Japan is the Kediri regency, East Java. Exports by the farmers of that area has been ongoing since 1988. "Barlingmascakeb also have that opportunity because the Japanese are still shortages of these products," said Wayan.
Palm sugar production capacity of Central Java currently about 5.64 tons per year. Total does not include the production of Barlingmascakeb. Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs do not have a definite record of palm sugar production capacity in five districts.
The facilitation and assistance plans already matured with five leaders through service cooperatives Barlingmascakeb each region. "Its realization will be carried out in 2010," he said.
Potential other commodities that pushed the State Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs is batik. Commodities are still unable to compete with producers of batik from other regions because its production has not been touched by technology and modern design.
I Wayan Dipta, MSME Resource Assessment Deputy State Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, explaining the potential of palm sugar or also known as brown sugar or sugar ants in the area Barlingmascakeb very large, but have not worked seriously.
"There have been many centers palm sugar products stand in five districts. To increase the capacity of their products, we will do the facilitation and technical assistance," said Wayan Dipta, yesterday.
The assistance includes improving the ability of farmers to produce exactly aren order through the application of technology. So far, said Wayan, the attention of all parties still less to raise the potential of palm sugar in the region.
Therefore, the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs trying to develop the potential of this commodity. The methodology by way of technical assistance and capacity building of human resources capacity-nya.Dalam it; society producers are no longer positioned as objects but as subjects.
With this system the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs optimistic palm sugar will be known widely as a sweetener other than cane sugar.
Export prospective
Potential of palm sugar to export markets even a very open, because the developed countries in Asia such as Japan, are more likely to consume sugar palm.
Currently, suppliers of palm sugar, to Japan is the Kediri regency, East Java. Exports by the farmers of that area has been ongoing since 1988. "Barlingmascakeb also have that opportunity because the Japanese are still shortages of these products," said Wayan.
Palm sugar production capacity of Central Java currently about 5.64 tons per year. Total does not include the production of Barlingmascakeb. Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs do not have a definite record of palm sugar production capacity in five districts.
The facilitation and assistance plans already matured with five leaders through service cooperatives Barlingmascakeb each region. "Its realization will be carried out in 2010," he said.
Potential other commodities that pushed the State Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs is batik. Commodities are still unable to compete with producers of batik from other regions because its production has not been touched by technology and modern design.
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