Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

make brown sugar

one of the impact of forest conservation by local communities is still terjagannya apart from the activities of forest encroachment, fire, can also be potential sources of non-timber income communities.Results of forest products (NTFPs) consists of tapping palm trees as palm sugar, cane, or the results of other fruits.To strengthen the surveillance systems of this forest area, the community formed a group of forest conservationists.Its function, forest preserve, develop economic income community of open forest timber, and a number of other research activities.

Lasamu, together with village communities Cenreangin gained the trust of the government, primarily BKSDA and Forestry Service, to preserve forests in the region.
Forest area in the village is divided into two, namely a special area for conservation, and limited production forest. Special conservation area, he was given a mandate to maintain the region, including maintaining the browsers who want to take a wood or cutting down trees of this conservation area.
"Around 246 hectares of forest conservation is the responsibility of society to guard it, and sekiap day, along with a patrol of the forest I trace all the contours of this forest area," he said.
This area consists of planted teak forest ecosystems are still the Dutch colonization era. According to the story, the seedlings were imported from Southeast Sulawesi Muna. In addition to teak, there are also many kinds and types of woods that had hundreds of years old.
While in production forests, there are also plantations, such as mango, coconut, hazelnut, palm trees, durian, rambutan and others. In fact there are few communities utilized the maize plantation on the sidelines of long-term crops.People are more happy to use these forests for their economic activities pembuata palm sugar.
"Cenreangin since formerly known as the largest sugar production Sidrap, disedikit not even brown sugar production is marketed to Makassar or other cities in South Sulawesi," said Lasamu.
Several Stages of Sugar Production:1.Air Nirah just taken from the palm tree by using timpo (big and long bamboo)(2) Prepare a large pan and then placed over the stove fire.(3) Pour water from the timpo Nirah into the skillet,(4) stirring and simmer until several hours duration,(5) tested the level of consistency. In this phase Nirah water is red brick,(6) Having considered berwarnah thick and already feel old brick, then digarusu / carded until a few minutes,(7) of the Frying Pan was lifted away from the furnace,(8) carded again up to 1 hour or more,(9) After the water and white foam gelumbung or blend with the old brick red liquid, then poured into a mold,(10) Waiting up to two or three hours long, brown sugar in the form of appropriate print size removed carefully, so as not broken, or cracked, because it helped determine the price of brown sugar perbijinya.(11) After that, wrapped in teak leaves. Then put into the basket ready for sale to the market.

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